When I watched the last episode of Scandal, I started to have a very uneasy feeling. A feeling I know all too well now: the Holy Spirit saying “something isn’t right.” I knew what that “something” was, but I really didn’t want to acknowledge it.
I really liked the show. The plot is good and the storyline is captivating, but the adultery is what the reason why the Holy Spirit was gently nudging me to give it up. Let me explain.
I started watching Scandal because of all the hype around it. Everybody kept saying “you’ll really like it!” The entire first season was on Netlix so I decided one Friday Night I would give it a try. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into, and I had little knowledge of what the show was about. I grabbed my popcorn and started watching it.
Sure enough I was hooked. I’m ashamed to say that as I watched the entire 7 episodes of the first season and caught up on the second season which was about 8 episodes, I watched the adultery and although I knew it was wrong, I still continued to watch the program. My carnal mindset would say “I know what the bible says about adultery, but this is just a TV show.”
Something changed. The show came back on January 10th after a break, and I sat in front of the TV with great anticipation. Everyone on twitter would be watching the show, I had caught up on all of the episodes, so I was ready to watch! Then as I was viewing this show, I couldn’t enjoy it anymore. The Holy Spirit was really tugging at my heart as I began to look down my twitter feed and see people glorifying the adulterous relationship wishing the president character would divorce his wife so he could be with the mistress.
The next week I didn’t watch the show, and the week after that I didn’t watch it either. But in my mind the enemy was trying to tell me that I was being too serious. He started to say that I was taking it too far and I’m going to miss out on what happens next. The enemy pointed out that all of my Christian friends were watching the show. I laid in bed asking myself if I was being a bit too “radical.” I started to go on the ABC website and watch the episodes I missed, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t ignore what I knew God was telling me no. So I prayed.
A wonderful sister in Christ of mine sent me a book she was randomly giving away written by Joshua Harris called “Not a Even Hint.” I actually put that book on my reading list before she announced she was giving it away. I picked it up and looked through the table of contents and chapter 7 was titled “Half a Poison Pill Won’t Kill You: How do I cope with the temptations of media.” I flipped to this chapter and God let me know exactly why He was telling me to give up the show.
Entertainment goes straight for our hearts. Have you ever thought about this? Media never reasons with us in its attempts to convince us to love lust and sin.
You’ll never see the CEO of a television network standing in front of a flip chart explaining why adultery is good. But that same CEO might have his company create a television drama that engages your emotions and, through the power of story, makes the sinful act of adultery seem appealing- Joshua Harris “Not Even A Hint” pg 117
Wow. How spot on was this example? Almost too fitting. When I scrolled down my timeline and watched my own Christian brothers and sisters admire the adulterous relationship, I knew this show was exactly its name: Scandal. Harris Continues:
It doesn’t matter what something is rated, or how popular it is, or how seemingly innocent it appears. If it hardens your heart toward God, if it obscured your awareness of the ugliness of sin and the holiness of God, if it takes the edge off your spiritual hunger, then it’s sin.
I have to say, as an avid reader, I have read about the harmful effects of media on Christians. I’ve opted out of most reality TV shows and my TV viewing is basically limited to HGTV, the Food Channel Network, and ABC to watch Family Feud. I know the harmful effects, but for some reason I didn’t want to let Scandal go. I didn’t think it was “that bad” compared to something like Jersey Shore. Look where my mindset was. It “obscured my awareness of the ugliness of sin and the holiness of God.” This chapter of this book presented this to me and way no other back has done before.
No matter how great the story line is, if it promotes and glorifies sin, Christians should not be watching. God says “Not even a hint.”
But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. (Eph 5:3)
I repented and thanked God for revealing the truth to me and convicting me and giving me the grace to say no. What a shame it is for Christians to sit and be entertained by and celebrate the very sins Jesus died to set us free from. After I repented, God really opened my eyes. Why would I even want to watch stuff like this? Why am I compromising my walk for a TV show?
I am a single young women in my early 20s and I believe it is crucial to protect my purity and protect myself against sexual lust in this day and age. I believe cutting out media that promotes that is the biggest step. When I watched Scandal, I always said to myself “Well this is the only show like this I watch.” But the bible says “not even a hint.”
I stopped listening to secular music years ago, stopped watching the majority of television years ago, I’m sure I can do without Scandal.
I really hope this encourages you to take a hard look at what you’re letting in and how it is effecting your spiritual life. What you put in is always what you put out. Not only that, these shows are truly desensitizing us to the serious of sin which makes it harder for us to live a blameless life. We start excusing sin because its becoming “normal.” We cannot impact the culture if we are engulfed in it ourselves.
It’s not enough to simply just be disgusted at what is going on in Hollywood. I thought I was OK because I would huff and puff and roll my eyes in objection when the adultery scenes were shown. Just because I didn’t enjoy it didn’t mean it wasn’t effecting me. The Word of God is clear:
but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good. Stay away from every kind of evil.- 1 Thess 5:21-22
I’m not being overly spiritual, too serious, or too radical. I’m simply following the Word of God and being led by the spirit in every area of my life. From what I watch right down to what I eat, I will let God be Lord over my life and I will obey. I leave you with this scripture that I am committing to memory:
2 I will be careful to live a blameless life—
when will you come to help me?
I will lead a life of integrity
in my own home.
3 I will refuse to look at
anything vile and vulgar.
I hate all who deal crookedly;
I will have nothing to do with them.
4 I will reject perverse ideas
and stay away from every evil. (Psalms 101:2-4)
Source- GOD Confidence
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