We are now into 2014 and we are sure most people have failed miserably in sticking to their new year resolution of getting fit and healthy. For those who have been able to stick to a healthy eating and living plan- a big thumbs up to you.
We know it is not easy to stick to a diet especially as diet food is not particularly fun and although all of those gym bunny pictures on Instagram are supposed to encourage us to drop that cookie it just annoys us even further thinking about the work that goes towards achieving their perfect figure.
After trying countless diets that have resulted in our weight yo yo’ing up and down more times than we care to admit, we have realised that it is not only about what you eat but more about exercise and portion control.
There is no denying we love food. On a recent trip to Dubai we ate as if we had been deprived for years. All talk of healthy eating fell on deaf ears as we indulged on anything edible that came our way and always super sized our meals.
So here we are 3kg heavier and counting and trying to figure out what to do about the weight gain.
We could easily go back on a diet plan but history has taught us that it will only result in weight loss followed very swiftly by weight gain once we experience another relapse. This time we are doing things differently with a lifestyle overhaul which focuses on moderate exercise every other day along with portion control which we hope will result in a gradual but realistic weight and body change.
Day one of this plan starts tomorrow as we need to ‘get rid’ of all of the junk food in the house so we can start over. By get rid, it means we will eat like pigs today and start the plan tomorrow-counterproductive we know but we can’t throw away food!!
Wish us luck as we start a brand new plan for March 2014 and if you feel inspired to make the change for tomorrow, please join us and we can share our struggles and healthy living experience for the year together.
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